See all the stories steeped in Sapulpa History we've written over the years.
Do You Remember John F. Kennedy?
John Fitzgerald Kennedy is considered by many to be the most popular president in U.S. history. I consider him to be one of the greatest presidents in my life because of his courage, compassion, and his undaunted resolve to make not just America a better place, but the entire world.
Do You Remember…The Space Race?
In the years immediately following World War II, a period of geopolitical tension emerged between the U.S and the Soviet Union, known as the Cold War. The “Space Race” was, in fact, a Cold War competition to see which of the two countries would be the first to achieve space flight.
A new Series: Do You Remember The Sixties?
It's been said that "if you remember the sixties, you weren't really there." I must respectfully disagree. Introducing a new series about a decade that no one in our country should every forget about.
Do You Remember … The Mazeppa Show?
How many of you remember this line: “Lawzee, scope them turkeys out!”
Do You Remember … The Civil Rights Movement?
For nearly a century after emancipation, black people couldn’t eat at the same restaurants, use the same toilet facilities, stay at the same hotels, go to the same schools as whites, or live in certain places. And then a black woman refused to give up her bus seat and sparked the Civil Rights Movement.
Do You Remember The Fourth of Julys of Your Childhood?
When I was growing up, the Fourth of July meant many things. There were picnics with homemade ice cream, potato salad, watermelon, and BBQ. Flags were flown on just about every front porch. Concerts with stirring patriotic music were held in the courthouse gazebo. But the most enjoyable part of the Fourth of July involved…
Do You Remember…George Brite?
During George Brite's thirty-four-year tenure at SPS, many of his students went on to become accomplished and widely-acclaimed musicians, conductors, and high school band directors.
Do You Remember S&H Green Stamps?
Before Reasor's Rewards or Warehouse Market's blue Magic Coins, there was S&H Green Stamps.
Do You Remember April Fools’ Day?
Is there still a place for April Fools' Day, in today's world of 24/7 satire?
Do You Remember … Your Parents’ Curfew?
Those of us who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s lived under strict rules of behavior. One of those rules was our curfew.