Would-be thief waits patiently at scene for Police to arrive.
Evidently, all you have to deter a burglary-in-progress is to yell at the suspect when…
Sapulpa one of three disaster recovery locations opening in Oklahoma
Sapulpa will open “until further notice”, but some are only open for three days.
Thursday’s Rock The Route will feature Yardbone and a 14-year-old blues prodigy
If you enjoyed May’s Rock The Route, You’re going to LOVE June’s. See who’s playing…
UPDATED: 4-year-old Sapulpa boy attacked by dog in his own home; grandma gets cited
A grandmother was issued tickets after her daughter’s dog bit her grandson in the face…
Sapulpa Woman Catches Adult Boyfriend Engaged in Sexual Activity with a 14-year-old girl
Just under two weeks ago, a woman went to Sapulpa Police to report her boyfriend.
Beware of Identity Thieves and Scam Artists after a Disaster
In the aftermath of nearly every disaster, survivors should be alert for con artists and…
Norwegian Tourists get their kicks on Route 66
Did you see that caravan of Mustang convertibles making their way down Route 66 recently?…
Nature Knows Best: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
“A good planet is hard to find. We need to take care of the one…
FEMA will be set up at Sapulpa High this week to help Creek County residents and businesses register for federal assistance
FEMA will be set up Wednesday through Sunday from 8am to 6pm at 3 N.…
GALLERY: 2019 Route 66 Art Show features tons of talent
The paint jobs on the cars might be the big draw for the Route 66…