
This Week in Sapulpa History: Lowrance School Receives Library

June 13, 2023

Learn more about Sapulpa’s “separate school,” dating all the way back to 1906, and how…

Budget Considered, Bingman Appointed and Zoning Approved

June 9, 2023

During Monday’s Study Session, City Manager Joan Riley reviewed the proposed 2023-24 general budget for…

This Week in Sapulpa History: The Summer of 1949 Begins

June 7, 2023

Even though the official summer solstice wouldn’t come around until Tuesday, June 21st, 1949, children,…

This Week in Sapulpa History: The Sapulpa Pressed Brick Company Thrives

May 30, 2023

This week in Sapulpa history, on June 2, 1905, it was announced that Sapulpa Pressed…

Sapulpa Theatre’s new show comes with a new director, cast promising “hilarious tomfoolery”

May 29, 2023

“This show is just a fun show. It is so light-hearted, there is nothing serious…

County Commissioners move forward on feasibility study for new county building

May 29, 2023

Chair Stephens said the study would first determine the needs of the Sheriff and Emergency…

21st Annual Law Enforcement Memorial Service held at Courthouse Plaza

May 26, 2023

“We gather here to honor them because their sacrifice is just as great as the…

CC Dems send delegation to Congressional Convention

May 25, 2023

By Charles Betzler The Creek County Democratic Party was represented at the Oklahoma Congressional District…

Exploring Australia and New Zealand through the Arts

May 25, 2023

By Sapulpa Arts & Humanities Foundation What does the History of Australia and New Zealand…

This Week in Sapulpa History: Grow That Beard!

May 21, 2023

As part of 1948’s celebration of Sapulpa’s 50th anniversary, the Junior Chamber of Commerce held…