Nerd Knowledge: Your new Smart TV may be spying on you
Through the years, I have had customers who were convinced their TV was spying on…
The most valuable thing in the entire world
What is the most valuable thing in the world to you? Have you ever really…
Do You Remember: Marcus Horn & T.J. Kennedy Car Dealerships?
Learn about the dealership that has had three names and two locations, that’s never left…
Nerd Knowledge: Everything you ever needed to know about Bluetooth technology
Learn what Bluetooth is, how it works, and even how they created the ubiquitous Bluetooth…
Nerd Knowledge: Cell Phone Security and Safety
Our phones are always with us, but are we using them in the safest manner?
Appreciating the traditional holiday worries, even after the holidays have passed
The food, the wardrobe, the flowers…the family—so many different things to watch
Nature Knows Best: What is the Vagus nerve?!
The longest cranial nerve in your body could need professional attention, and you might not…
It starts today…Day One.
We have to be bold enough to embrace stepping into our new day—day one—and expect…
The kids in the pew in front of mine
The children in the pew in front of mine gave me a Christmas miracle I…
The New You
Christmas dinner was not even finished, and we were being bombarded by ad after ad…