Do You Remember Sapulpa Brick and Tile?
From small-town roots in Sapulpa, this brick and tile company at one point sold bricks…
Do You Remember…The 1960 Tornado?
In an awful coincidence, the day after we published this story in our Print Edition,…
Six tips for keeping your teens healthy
Having teenagers can be stressful, but the rewards come in having them go on to…
Our officers deserve recognition during police week
As a community, it is so important that we support all of our officers and…
Nerd knowledge: What Is 5G?
Carriers are running out of LTE capacity in many major cities. Users are already experiencing…
Do You Remember…Elementary School?
Growing up during the Cold War era gave way to some interesting experiences during elementary…
Nature Knows Best: The Importance of Good ‘Ol Water
Recently, I found myself sick due to dehydration. Take these tips to heart so you…
Nerd Knowledge: What is science, really?
Science is based on fact, not opinions or preferences. The methodology of science is designed…
Is bringing your own food to the movies illegal or just awful?
Dear Aunt Gabby…my mom likes to bring food inside the theater; And what can I…
Nature Knows Best: Meet the “Green Thumb Chieftains”
Sapulpa Schools Superintendent Robert Armstrong commended Shawna Keizer, saying “this is one example of a…