School News

Chieftain Band Places at Renegade Review

October 14, 2015

[foogallery id=”468″]   Saturday October 10 – The Sapulpa Chieftain Instrumental Music Department (aka Big Blue Band) was at it bright and early on a…

What to do this weekend in Sapulpa (Oct 9-11 and BONUS!)

October 9, 2015

It appears that the word for the weekend is FOOD. Nearly every event we have is some fundraiser or fall special for food. You think you…

Chieftains, Sandites Rivalry goes back 89 years

October 8, 2015

On Friday, Sapulpa and Sand Springs will line up across from each other for their 89th meeting on the football field. According to Sand Springs…

Chieftain Band travels to Nightrider Invitational

October 8, 2015

[foogallery id=”409″] Saturday, October 3—Students of the Sapulpa Instrumental Music Department were up before the dawn and doing last minute run a through before heading…

Chieftain Band Set for Exhibition

October 1, 2015

Your Sapulpa Chieftain Marching Band would like to invite you to come watch a free exhibition performance 6:15 pm Friday night, October 2 at George…

Band Boosters Bingo Fundraiser Nets record $6,600

September 21, 2015

The Sapulpa High School Band Boosters would like to give a huge shout out to the community!! This year’s annual bingo fundraiser brought in a…

The Story Behind The Burning of George

September 11, 2015

This is a repost of the story Kirk McCraken wrote in 2004. It did well and won an AP award. It has been reprinted here…

Sapulpa Band Boosters Gear Up for Bingo Night

September 8, 2015

It’s that time of year. The sweet sounds of drums and the ever ticking metronome can be heard in the early morning hours around George…

Chieftain Band Grads Take on Higher Ed With $141,300 in Music Scholarships

August 27, 2015

[foogallery id=”195″]   In 2015 the Sapulpa Chieftain Instrumental Music program graduated the largest class of seniors in quite some time. Those seniors earned an…
