Holmes Park Principal to Become Director of Special Services

Katherine Stufflebeam, after more than 15 years in education, is finally getting to do what she’s always wanted.


After just a year as the Principal at Holmes Park Elementary, Stufflebeam is transitioning over to the Washington Administration Building to become the new Director of Special Services. In several ways, it’s less like a career change and more like returning to her roots.

“It has always been a dream of hers to become a special education director,” said Johnny Bilby, Assistant Superintendent at Sapulpa Public Schools. “When this position became available, she applied for it.”


The Director of Special Services role was previously held by Kim Castaldi, whom Stufflebeam had worked under until she took the Principal’s job a year ago, after the resignation of Bobby Alfred, who left his position citing numerous allegations against then-superintendent Kevin Burr.

Meanwhile Castaldi will soon be taking up a position left vacant by the tragic death of Michael Reid, who was killed in a hit-and-run while jogging earlier this year.

Given the recent events of Holmes Park regarding the arrest of Megan Sloan, one might think that moving Stufflebeam to the administration building could be a reactionary measure. Superintendent Rob Armstrong assures us that’s not the case.

“It’s not possible and it’s not how we operate,” he said.

A handful of candidates were interviewed over a month ago. “Mrs. Stufflebeam was by far the best candidate. I was not going to let last week’s events interfere with our staffing plans for the district.”

Armstrong is hopeful he will have a candidate for the HPE Principal position by the next Board of Education meeting.

A. L. Long contributed to this story.

Featured Image: Katherine Stufflebeam, second from right, is pictured here during a charity event at Holmes Park Elementary that was orchestrated by Kirk of the Hills Church.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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