Creek County Democratic Party
Creek County Democrats meet in Bristow
The Creek County Democratic Party held its monthly meeting at the Bristow Community Center, June…
Creek County Democrats Announce Scholarship Winners
The Creek County Democrats are delighted to announce the winners of their 2021 scholarships. The…
County political chairmen stand together against theft and vandalism of campaign signs
“We have a political process in this country and in this state in which we…
“Oklahoma Observer” owner Arnold Hamilton featured at Creek County Democrats meeting
Focusing on political and social issues within government and society, the Observer’s valiant effort to…
Creek County Democrats welcome Guest Speaker Kim Littrell
The topic of discussion was titled “Promises Unkept.” Ms. Littrell spoke about the “Together We…
Creek Co. Democratic Convention votes in officers and resolutions
The current chairman, Stan Johnson, was re-elected by unanimous affirmation among voting delegates, numbering about…
Democratic strategies for Creek County
Lots of changes coming up for officers. Read the details inside.
Dem. Congress Candidate Frankie Robbins will hold a Town Hall on Monday
Robbins will invite attendees to share their ideas how we as individuals can promote unity…
Candidate Mark Myles is Featured Speaker at Creek County Democrats June Meeting
The meeting has moved to Freddie’s Steakhouse, where Myles will talk about Oklahoma now having…
Anna Dearmore, Lt. Gov. Candidate, to speak at Thursday Creek County Democrats Meeting
Dinner is served at 6:00 pm at a cost of $8.00 per person (includes tip).…