Town of Mounds approves 2023-2024 budget

The Mounds Board of Trustees met Tuesday, June 6, at the Mounds Community Building.

The first order of business was to hold a public hearing, there were no public comments, therefore the Board unanimously adopted a resolution adopting the Town of Mounds budget. The next order of business was to unanimously approve the consent agenda, which consisted of the following items:

Approval of the Minutes for the May 9, 2023, Regular Meeting and May 15, 2023, Special Meeting; approval of the Library report; approval of the Police report; approval of the Fire report; approval of the Financial report; approval of the Budget report; approval of the Court report; 


approval of Purchase Orders for Streets & Alleys and Parks Departments; Building Inspector report; approval of budgets for the fiscal year 2023-2-024.

 A motion was passed electing Michael Pounds Vice-Mayor.

Trustees tabled a motion to paint the Library/Community Building exterior.

The board passed a resolution allowing the sale and discharge of fireworks in the City limits from June 15, 2023, until July 9, 2023.

Trustees appointed Justin Prough as Event Chairperson.

The Board voted to spend $1,117 for tile and carpet to be laid in the library 

Trustees raised the approval limit for purchase from $250 to $1,500.

The Board voted to assign subtitles to bank accounts.

The Board approved a motion to purchase a $10,000 CD.

Videotaping or live-streaming meetings was discussed, but no action was taken.

The Mounds Public Works Authority convened following the adjournment of the Town Meeting.

The only order of business was to approve the consent agenda which contained the following items: approval of the Minutes for the May 9, 2023, PWA Meeting; approval of the Treasurer’s report; approval of the Budget report; approval of the PWA report; approval of purchase orders for PWA.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Mounds Board of Trustees will be July 18, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., at the Mounds Community Building.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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