School News

Students not likely to return to school this year, online learning solutions to fill the gap
“Our districts have begun planning their alternative delivery methods to support student learning as they prepare to reconnect students with their teachers in adaptive ways.”

Hofmeister urges schools to donate surplus medical supplies to hospitals, nursing homes
“Our school communities are known for their generosity and caring, and we have already seen them mobilize in response to the school closures necessitated by…

Oklahoma schools will likely not be doing state testing this year because of Coronavirus
“Our educators and district leaders need to shift their focus from assessments to essential services, including child nutrition and planning to continue student learning through…

It’s official: All Oklahoma Public Schools to close until April 3rd, classes to resume April 6th
In a press release on Monday afternoon, Sapulpa Public Schools has announced that they will remain closed through April 3rd, but plan to resume April…

“Please don’t fail us!” parents implore legislators at inaugural Sapulpa PLAC meeting
The Sapulpa Parent Legislative Action Committee (PLAC) is an effort to “inform and engage parents and the community in advocating for a strong, equitable public…

Sapulpa Ping Ping Dance Team Wins National Championship in Orlando
See the photos and watch their dance routine here!

Sapulpa soccer player nearing mom’s career goal-scoring record
Sapulpa senior center midfielder is three goals away from breaking Sapulpa High School career goal-scoring record currently held by her head coach and mom.

Amid $568,000 shortfall, Superintendent Armstrong considers the future of Sapulpa Public Schools
“I don’t know what the next chapter in public education looks like,” Armstrong says.

SPS recognized at United Way 2020 Awards
A record crowd witnessed the benevolence of Sapulpa Public Schools as the district was recognized twice during the event.

Sapulpa HS Dance team wins National Championship
Sapulpa Ping Pings were named the 2020 Dance Team Union National Champions on Sunday, Feb. 23.