Sapulpa Library poetry contest winners awarded

“I couldn’t believe it, no way. It caught me off guard.”

Elizabeth Cain, a sixteen-year-old junior at Eagle Point Christian Academy, had just learned that her poem, “Easter,” had won second place in a Poetry Contest hosted by the Sapulpa Public Library and Tulsa Community College, which was available for home, private, or public high school students who live, work, or attend school in Creek County.

As her reward, Cain received a $75 check and a plaque honoring her submission.


Cain says the poem was one that she had in her collection, and that she changed some of the wording to fit the criteria of the contest, but that it essentially stayed the same. 

Third-place winner Caitlynn Poteet is a sophomore at Kiefer. She said her winning poem, “Fall,” is one of “all different kinds” that she has, and that she was “happy” to hear that she’d placed third. She received a check for $50 and a plaque as well.

Poteet and Cain each said it was their first time to enter a poetry contest of any kind. They both say they’re looking forward to entering more contests in the future.

First-place winner Kaylin Waterdown, with the poem “2020,” won a check for $100, a plaque, and a free summer class from Tulsa Community College.

Melodie Reader, who led a panel of judges consisting of Sapulpa Public library staff, Tulsa Community College staff, retired professors, Sapulpa Friends of the Library members, and local business owners, congratulated all the contestants for their great work. “All poems were wonderful and it was hard to choose,” she said in a written press release to Sapulpa Times. “We hope to offer this program again next spring with Tulsa Community College.”

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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