Sapulpa Farmers Market will happen on Thursday afternoon this week, at a new location

The Sapulpa Main Street Route 66 Farmers Market will be held on Thursday afternoon this week, because of July 4th falling on a Saturday, Sapulpa Main Street Director Cindy Lawrence told Sapulpa Times Wednesday morning.

“Because of the Fourth of July, we decided to just try it in the middle of the week and just see,” Lawrence said. “We’ve never done one during the middle of the week.”

The market will be held from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, giving an additional opportunity to those who haven’t been able to get up early enough to get to the market on a Saturday, which usually opens at 7:30 am and closes at 11:00 am.


The new day and time are not the only changes happening this week, either. Because court will still be in business at the time, the location for the Farmers Market will move from the courthouse parking lot the gazebo area closer to Lee street. Lawrence says “we’re going to get as many of the vendors as we can under the gazebo,” but also said a few will be spread out in the grassy area near the gazebo. The day is supposed to be pretty warm, so Lawrence hopes the shade will invite people to stop by.

Lawrence said the new location is close enough that it shouldn’t throw anyone off who’s used to having the market at the parking lot. “We thought about using Martha’s Corner (at the corner of Dewey and Water Street) but didn’t want people getting confused.” Lawrence says there will be signs pointing folks down the parking lot to the farmers market.

According to the Lawrence, nearly all the vendors will still be present, despite the different time. “So far, Blackbeard Salsa is the only one who has said they wouldn’t be able to attend.”

SNAP/EBT Benefits welcome; Senior Nutrition Program available, too

Sapulpa’s Farmers Market is a great place for families with SNAP or EBT (food stamps) accounts to get healthy eating options. Being on EBT requires a certain income level together with a certain household size. You can learn more about this program and find out whether your family qualifies at

A partnership with Hunger Free Oklahoma is providing a special “Double Up Snap Tokens” for use at Farmers Markets. You can find out more about this at Hunger Free Oklahoma[0]=68.ARAEph89Dp6cbrAv1_bDY4y-57-uESVnKXiXSy7nZZ61OEUPTpCs2bDey2qqxq9hgrK7vViIjudY0BW_7UUmG6tosPFNwuB96cLtFLfJEWMy0CnGbFtH39KT2GdWgoKTtHpyUobumqOC59_SRDkVgNw_QtDAw7E4t53hFoCGB959cOxV7SwvoCnxIrVsPbE9yv4LcfRiMuZ7OXklWZpur8rhJFZ1YIbtPiEdkoKoz3NX5yFaF62n1dC9KDeqLx05AAv1GZW5Kl42vktb4u0xHaluK2KIz2ZLFVnfbt9EfySgM0pI7hhcALO4wWRjJ7clbNPRP-8sHDWUA_8dFC019nJOFpuSR0jxM07C6lwH&__tn__=-R

In addition to SNAP and EBT, there’s a special Senior Nutrition Program available for those who are over 60 years of age. An income qualification is also required. The program includes a pre-loaded gift card that can only be used at farmers markets. You can visit the Farmers Market on Thursday to fill out an application to be a part of this program.

The Farmers Market will go back to their normal Saturday morning times on July 11th. On July 18th, the Farmers Market is planning their annual Kid Fest day, which will include a visit from the Sapulpa Book and Snack Mobile, as well as more, which we’ll be sharing with you later.

Follow Sapulpa Main Street Route 66 Farmers Market on Facebook for more information. The Farmers Market opened this season on May 18th and will continue through at least August.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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