New SPS Junior and Senior High School building project moves forward, Reed Architecture chosen to help lead 

The Sapulpa Public Schools Board unanimously approved awarding architectural services related to the design, bidding, and construction of the new Junior/Senior High School project at Monday, August 8th’s monthly meeting, authorizing the Superintendent to negotiate terms of the contract. 

Sapulpa Public Schools administration meets with Reed Architects & Interiors, and DLR Group to discuss options for the upcoming Junior and Senior High School building project.

The total cost to the District will be 5.75% of the cost of the work and will be paid with funds from the 2023 School Bond Election. 

The chosen firm is a collaboration between local company Reed Architecture and Interiors and DLR Group, a “leader in educational space design” out of Kansas City, says SPS Director of Communication, Heather Browne. 


The decision was made by a district committee that received presentations from five firms. The committee conducted tours and interviews of those companies and utilized a specific scoring system to arrive at the Reed/DLR Group selection. 

According to Browne, the exact date of the 2023 bond election is yet to be determined. 

The Board unanimously approved the renewal of the School Resource Officer (SRO) agreement between SPS and the City of Sapulpa Police Department. 

Officer Steven Garr, left, has been hired as the SPS School Resource Officer. He stands with Director of Safety and Security, Glenn Coffey, right. Provided.

Officer Steven Garr, who recently finished in-depth training in South Carolina, will be the district’s new SRO.

A modification to Policy 941: Armed School Employees was unanimously approved. This allows a “retired peace officer” to be an approved employee. 

The Board next unanimously approved giving the Director of Safety and Security, as a retired peace officer, the authority under Policy 941 to be an armed school employee.

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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