New retail in Mounds contributing to “mini-economic boom”

New retail in downtown Mounds

By Charles Betzler

The town of Mounds is experiencing what some would call a “mini-economic boom.” A total of four businesses have set up shop in Mounds. Two restaurants have opened, Cafe 75 and Squishburger, along with a hair salon and boutique, and a thrift store.


Sherri’s Thrift Store and Bargain Box held its grand opening at 9 a.m. Saturday, March 18th.

The store is well-organized, and the merchandise is neatly displayed. There is a plethora of products sold, from used small electronic accessories to vintage glassware, and even used white goods. Opening day found the store packed with customers looking for a good buy.

Sherri Kunkel left, stands with Kirk Kunkel and Tim McNabb.

Sherri and Kirk Kunkel hail from Bakersfield, California where they previously operated the business before coming to Oklahoma. The Sapulpa Herald asked Ms. Kunkel what prompted the move, “we have owned it in California for twelve years, but my cousin lives here, my grandkids and my daughter moved here, so we decided to move to Oklahoma and move the business up here.”

Three of the businesses were brought to town by local commercial building owner and fourth-generation Mounds resident, Tim McNabb.

Mcnabb’s grandparents Leon and Ruby Mcnabb came to Mounds in the 1920s, establishing a grocery store, department store and a dry cleaning business. Mcnabb Department Store operated in Mounds from 1922 to 1998.

McNabb who owns three storefronts has been diligently recruiting retail business to Mounds, and is responsible for Squishburger, Okie Sisters Tees, Salon and Boutique, and, most recently Sherri’s Thrift Store and Bargain Box. “We are just trying to bring business back into town, it has been closed down for 25 years and it is time to open it back up.”

The new establishment is located at 1304 Commercial Avenue, Mounds, Oklahoma. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The phone number is 827-3160.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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