Natures Knows Best: Eating well during the holidays

This is the season where food will be abundant for the next couple of months and it’s easy to gain a few unwanted pounds or fall off any bandwagons you may be on. In January we may all be searching for a way to get back on track.

I am not a big fan of fad diets or the latest and greatest health trend. But, I would like to share a few plans or ways of eating that have worked well for us.

The Daniel Fast is a plan based on the scripture in the Bible where Daniel and his men abstained from eating royal foods for ten days, at the end they looked healthier and more nourished than the king’s men who feasted on royal fair.  This fast can be done for several reasons be it spiritual or health related. (Daniel Chapter 1)


The Daniel Fast consists of eating fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds and healthy oils.  And, saying no to meat, sugar, yeast, all forms of sweeteners, processed and fried foods for 21 days.  We have done this a couple of times and it is surprising how good we felt afterwards. There are several books and websites available.  We use The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast by Kristen Feola which contains great recipes.

Another plan that people have seen great results with is called Trim Healthy Mama or THM. It was created by two sisters named Pearl and Serene.  In short, “Trim Healthy Mama is more than a nutrition book, although you’ll be armed with knowledge that will revolutionize your life. It is more than a recipe book, although you will find hundreds of quick and tasty recipes to satisfy your family and trim your waistline at the same time.” (Google Books) 

I learned several new tricks while reading their books such as using cauliflower as “fotatoes” instead of potatoes that are loaded with carbohydrates.  The sisters are big on unprocessed foods and eating a balanced diet.  They have their own product line selling stevia as a sugar replacement and collagen for instance.  I love their recipe for “good girl moonshine” which makes it easier to drink Apple Cider Vinegar which is fantastic for one’s PH level and overall health.  They have books available, a website and a facebook page where they share women’s (and men’s!) testimonials.  Some are truly amazing!

Another plan of eating that works for us is “Eating 4 Your Bloodtype” by Peter J. D’Adamo.  The author says,” (after) collecting thousands of certified medical results from readers and patients that it works for 9 out of 10 people and that the more severe the problem, the faster it works.”   

This plan is based on the idea that “Lectins, which are found in food, have a direct effect on the blood and the digestive tract. The protein binds to cells within the body, causing them to clump together and, potentially, to cause hormonal disruptions. This effect on the body is similar to a foreign substance being present.”

“Peter D’Adamo suggests that people with different blood types react differently to different types of food and their lectins. As a result, he recommends specific diets for people with these different blood types”.  (Medical News

For instance, it is recommend that blood type O people stay away from most grains (gluten) but may partake in red meat while red meat is not beneficial for an A blood type.  Although medial evidence may be lacking to back this diet up, we have seen this plan benefit our own family so we have to say there is some merit to it.

And lastly, this is not for the weak of heart.  If you are healthy and have a strong constitution but feel like a cleanse is in order for your personal health, the Master Cleanse may be right for you.  It is a 10 day challenge where you consume nothing but lemonades made with Cayenne pepper.  Oh…drinking salt water every other night is also included. My fastest personal healing came with this method but I would only recommend it for a few.  And, please check with your doctor first.

So, whether you are ready to lose a few pounds or just trying to recover from the holidays, one of these options may be the fit you are looking for!

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