Kiefer Town Board discusses changing IT vendor

The Kiefer Public Works Authority held their regularly scheduled meeting shortly after 6 p.m., Wednesday, June 21, 2023. The authority approved the Consent Agenda consisting of the following:

 Approval of prior meeting minutes, and approval of purchase orders and checks as presented, the Trust  Authority tabled action on bids for lagoon repairs and it was announced that sewer lines and manholes had been replaced on Main Street.  The Town Board of Trustees met immediately following the adjournment of the KPWA meeting.

Sarah Alfred, Client Engagement Manager, Hummingbird Tech, addressed the Kiefer Board of Trustees and told them that the IT Tech from the town’s current vendor went to work for Hummingbird Tech.

Alfred said Hummingbird Tech would manage all of their server network and user support needs, month over month. “We become your new outsourced IT partner,” she said.

The item was placed on the agenda because the current company Image Net Consulting is reportedly not providing proper service.

“It’s not that they are problematic, it’s just that they are unresponsive,” Mayor Steve Capehart said. “Basically, everything was great when Tucker was there, we called Tucker at two in the morning, Tucker was on it. He would remote into the computers, he would find out what the problem was. We need these systems, we need them running now.”

He stated that calling after hours presented a challenge. “If I call Image Net and it is not within business hours, I have to call the Help Desk in another state. They will call me back in the morning and talk to me on the phone, and if it gets upgraded to some other team, I have to wait for that to happen. Sometimes we are out of service for two to three days. That does become problematic for us.”

Ms. Alfred said that after business hours a tech will be on call and is expected to be on the phone with the client within thirty minutes. She emphasized that all of the tech support was local and lived in the area.

The monthly cost was $1,491 based on the number of users and included all software licensing and subscription fees. The Board of Trustees tabled the item further to review the proposal. 

In other Town business, the Board voted to appoint Gary Hudson to the Board. Hudson’s seat had been vacated because of Hudson’s absence at meetings, however, he was appointed to fill out the remainder of his original term.

The Trustees tabled an agenda item dealing with the estimate for a front-end loader.

The Board awarded the bid to replace the roof at city hall to MMR Home Solutions in the amount of $32,791.17.

Trustees voted to accept the sole bid of $100 from Kyle Paulsen for a surplussed motorcycle trailer.

The Board discusses whether or not to approve a letter of engagement from Ralph Osborn to complete the audit for FY 2021-2022. The Board decided not to use the services of Ralph Osborn since he has not provided the service in a timely manner and will seek bids from other vendors. They also decided not to engage Osborn for the 2022-2023 audit for the same reason.

Trustees approved a bid of $5, 950 to remove trees at municipal park and in the alley to the north of West Adams St, to Heroes Tree Service.

The Board unanimously passed a motion to approve the updated Chain of Command Information Sheet.

Trustees tabled an item dealing with creating electronic input and tracking of work orders, building permits, and code enforcement.

The Board voted to approve the review of the 2023-2024 Preliminary Budget.

Trustees voted to approve amending the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund retirement plan, from level A to level CC. This increases the contribution of the town and employees.

The board tabled a motion to award a bid for paving streets.

Trustees voted to designate  Mayor Capehart designated signer for the sworn statement in Proof of Loss for OMAG claim for roof damage

The Board voted to go into executive session to discuss employee reviews. Upon reentering the regular session, no action was taken and the item was tabled.

The KWPA meets on the third Wednesday of the month at Kiefer City Hall. The Town Board follows the KWPA meeting.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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