Former Sapulpa man pleads with Oklahoma to vote yes on medical marijuana: “it’s changed my life.”

Editor’s Note: Since we’ve published this story, there has been a great deal of feedback from the community about the extremely questionable business practices of Jeff Waters, this story’s subject. We strongly caution our readers to do their research before engaging in transactions of any sort with Waters. You might want to start here.

Oklahoma State Question 788 is a controversial question, and the amount of interest in it seems to vary, depending on who you talk to. Some folks are against the bill as it’s written, even forming a coalition to vehemently oppose it’s passing.


And others, like former Sapulpan Jeff Waters, are passionately pleading with Oklahomans to come out in favor of the bill. “It’s changed my life…changed many others,” he says.

Waters’ story is a textbook case of how cannabis oil can be used to not only overcome certain ailments and provide relief from chronic pain, but also to reduce our dependency on modern pharmaceuticals, which Waters says is a large part of how his journey to using cannabis oil began.

According to his story at his nightmare began when he complained to his doctor that about shortness of breath. His doctor recommended an inhaler, but Waters said it “seemed to work well for awhile, until I noticed having to use it more and more.”

This led to more inhalers, and then other prescriptions to fight the side-effects of those inhalers. Waters said that the multiple medications caused him to gain weight and continued to exacerbate his original breathing issues, to the point that he was dragging around an oxygen tube around, all the while continuing to take multiple medications. At one point, he says he was on 22 different medications.

Then, in late February of 2013, Waters says he took a turn for the worse: “I woke up and noticed a little swelling and discomfort around my sinus region.” He thought it was just a sinus infection, but his face continued to swell over the next 24 hours. When his wife rushed him to the ER, the doctors took him at his assumption that it was a sinus infection and gave him—of course—more medications, and sent him home. The next day, Waters said he looked “like I’d lost a 10-round boxing match.”

Waters said his wife rushed him to a hospital an hour away and the doctors there found that he didn’t have a sinus infection, he was having an allergic reaction to a blood pressure medication he’d been on for years. The doctors placed him in a medically-induced coma and over the next 28 days, he was fighting for his life.

As he began to recover, the doctors recommended he stop taking most of his former medications, and instead offered vitamins and healthier options.

Waters said that his health really began to get turned around when he returned home and began seeking out alternative methods of treatment for his COPD, including cannabis oil. Although it was illegal in Oklahoma, he managed to secure donations from around the country and says that “the first time I had a dose, it was relaxing and opened up my lungs like they hadn’t been in years.”

Waters says using the cannabis oil began to give him the energy to exercise and and now says he’s “in the best shape of my life!”

Waters, who says he’s was born at Bartlett Hospital and lived his whole life in Sapulpa, moved to Denver where it was easier (and legal) to get the cannabis oil. He admitted it was difficult to find work in Oklahoma because he wouldn’t pass a drug test, but says that if Oklahoma legalizes medical marijuana, he’ll likely be back to Oklahoma.

The Vote No Coalition, which filed papers in May to formally oppose SQ 788, says that they’re opposed to the law as it’s written. The Oklahoma Sheriff’s Association President—who is coincidentally also named Waters—says “I believe a better medical marijuana law could be written that our organization could support, but SQ 788 is not medical.”

Jeff Waters’ story made News On 6 a couple of years ago. We’ve embedded the video below:


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