Former Kellyville Town Administrator Beverly Lucas passes away

Longtime Town of Kellyville employee, Beverly Ann Lucas, passed away on March 4th, 2021. She graduated from Kellyville High School in 1971 and worked for the Town of Kellyville for 17 years. She began as the first Librarian at Kellyville Library and then moved to the positions of Town Administrator and Town Clerk. 

Ms. Lucas was preceded in death by her husband Gary and daughter, Jennifer Ann Meeks. She is survived by children Josh Lucas, Mary Lawson, Emily Gibson, and Emmett Lawon, her brother, and numerous grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and friends. 

Beverly Lucas, who worked for the Town of Kellyville for 17 years, has passed away.

Her obituary states, “We want to let Beverly know that she did an amazing job while here on Earth with us. She made sure we all knew how important we were to her. We will remember her smile, her warmth and how she gave the absolute best hugs.”


At the monthly Town of Kellyville Board meeting, Police Chief and Town Administrator Shelly Garret said that the Town Hall will be closed for her funeral services, which are to be held on Thursday, March 11th at 2 p.m. at Smith’s Funeral Home in Sapulpa, and that Town Hall will be closed during that time. 

Other news from the meeting included reports from the various Department Heads. 

Librarian Jackie Case said that despite the two weeks of inclement weather, the library still had 102 guests during the month of February. She also reported that paperwork for a $2,851 grant for new books has been submitted and should be available to spend soon. 

Fire Chief Matt Staiger was absent, as he was out fighting fires, but Garret said that the concrete work to prevent stormwater runoff from leaking into the Fire Department is complete and is in the cleanup phase. All agreed that it “looks really nice” and that it has already served its purpose. 

Garret said that “everything is running smoothly” at the Police Department. She said that she has one officer in CLEET training right now and some others in Emergency Medical Response training. This will allow police officers who arrive first on an emergency scene to “take care of things” before the ambulance arrives.  

Garret spoke for Public Works Director Pete Little, and said that he has been busy working on the cleanup of the Fire Department’s concrete work and making sure that all Town equipment, particularly the lawn mowers, are in good working order for Spring. 

The new housing development on 58.5 acres north of town being built by Greg and Chase Hurst was annexed into Town of Kellyville limits with unanimous approval by the Board. 

Board member Russ Howard spoke during the time for comments by the Governing Body to say that “things have been running very smoothly for the last few months. I am very happy with the direction this town is headed.”

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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