Exploring Australia and New Zealand through the Arts

By Sapulpa Arts & Humanities Foundation

What does the History of Australia and New Zealand have in common with the arts?  Join Sapulpa Arts & Humanities Foundation on July 17-21 to find out.

“Arts Explore! camp is a great opportunity for your child to express themselves through the arts as they explore the culture of the world outside of Sapulpa,” said SA&HF director Sheri Ishmael-Waldrop. “Sapulpa Arts, with the assistance of The Oklahoma Arts Council and local benefactors, provides an all-encompassing experience in hopes of planting the seed of creativity and exploration.”


The activities are tailored to 2nd-8th grade and student skill levels, which enhances their experience by encouraging exploration and awareness of the culture and unique arts. It is amazing what children can learn in one week of classes.

The Family Night Performance is the highlight of the week. Students will perform traditional dances, join voices in song and demonstrate games and traditions which enhanced the culture during the dramatic skit. Following the performance, the young artists will show off their handmade artwork.

SA&HF would like to say thank you to Sapulpa Public Schools and Principal Roger Johnson for hosting us again this year at Holmes Park Elementary.

Without the support of Oklahoma Arts Council and local scholarship sponsors Arts Explore! would not be possible.

“Through their support, we are able to keep the enrollment fee low so that all students who wish to attend art camp have the opportunity,” Waldrop said. “It is estimated the true cost of this experience is more than $200 per student.”

If you would like a registration form, or more information, contact Waldrop and camp coordinator Donna Lewellen at ArtsExploreCamp@gmail.com. Forms can also be picked up at our office location, 26 S. Park Street.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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