County Notebook: Mounds and Kiefer Town Meetings

Mounds Town Meeting

The Mounds Public Works Authority meeting was held first. 

Authority members passed a motion with one “no” vote, cast by Trustee Aaron Veale, to approve the Consent Agenda which included the minutes for December 6 meeting, Treasurer’s Report, Budget Report, PWA Report, and purchase orders for the PWA. Veale stated he did not receive his packet in time to go over the information.

The Board of Trustees Meeting followed.


Town Trustees approved a motion, with one “no” vote, by Aaron Veale, to approve the Consent Agenda which included December 6 meeting minutes, Library Report, Police Report, Financial Report, Budget Report, Court Report, Purchase Orders for Streets & Alleys, and Parks Departments, Building Inspector Report, and Purchase Orders for General Improvement, Fire Department, and Court Fund.

Trustees unanimously approved dates for the following city-sponsored events: Easter Egg Hunt, April 8; Fireworks and Fish Fry, June 24; Halloween festivities, October 28; and December 2, Christmas Parade.

Action on the construction of a new City Hall/ Police Department Building was tabled due to the consensus that the project would now cost more than originally estimated, and at this time is cost-prohibitive.

The Trustees went into executive session for employment matters. When they came out of executive session, they unanimously passed a motion to advertise for the position of Fire Chief since the current Chief is retiring within 60 days.

The Mounds Town Meeting is held on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall/Library Building.

Kiefer Town Meeting

The Kiefer Public Works Authority meeting took place first. 

The authority unanimously passed a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items consisting of approval of minutes of prior meeting and approval of purchases orders and checks as presented.

Fred Fuss, who is in charge of maintenance of the town, gave the authority an update on the steps being taken to remediate the problems which promoted a consent order on the town’s wastewater system by DEQ. he told members that an non-profit organization called Moonshot is providing free testing of effluent. The town has secured a $60,000 CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) through INCOG to help bring the system into compliance.

The Kiefer Board of Trustees meeting followed.

The Board unanimously passed a motion to approve the Consent Agenda which included minutes of prior meeting, Police and Fire Department reports, and purchase orders and checks as presented.

Trustees unanimously passed a motion to approve the hiring of a new police officer, Zackary O’Brien.

The Board unanimously passed a motion to use the old police/city hall as a donation center, and free giveaways of the donations.

Trustees unanimously passed a motion to surplus a non-functioning Honda generator.

The Board unanimously passed a motion to approve the surplussing of a non-functional Pro-tech drill press.

Trustees unanimously passed a motion to allow people who rent the Community Center to pay someone to clean up after their events. The fee, which is still to be determined, is to be collected upon rental along with the security deposit.

The Board tabled action on a turnaround for fire trucks in a new housing addition on South 54th West Avenue. 

The Kiefer Town Meeting is held the third Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Kiefer City Hall.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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