
police, car, vehicle

Former City Council hopeful arrested on DUI, weapons charges

March 8, 2022

Sapulpa police say they believed the man was under the influence, and that he was…

First two bridges funded with ARPA have been determined; “it’s hard to find a bridge worse than this one”

March 7, 2022

The 10ft structure is located on a school bus route. “Buses go over both of…

This Week in Sapulpa History: New Salvation Army Building Opened in 1918

March 6, 2022

“Elaborate preparations have been made by the Sapulpa Salvation Army for the opening and dedication…

Eight reasons to see “Murder by the Book,” opening this weekend

February 28, 2022

Something is happening to the world’s greatest authors—they’re dying in a way that seems…familiar. This…

Black History in Sapulpa: A Nurse Changing Lives

February 27, 2022

Rachel WhitneyCurator, Sapulpa Historical Museum (Editor’s note: This story first appeared in the Sapulpa Times…

County Notebook: Molina appointed City Councilor, next week is “Farm Bureau Week”

February 27, 2022

Carla Gunn, Vice-Mayor, was appointed as the GO Bond Committee Chair by Mayor Henderson, who…

This week in BOCC: A new courthouse roof and fire foam sprayers for Emergency Management

February 27, 2022

Commissioners discuss replacing the leaky copper roof on the County Courthouse, as well as purchasing…

The First medical marijuana and agricultural testing laboratory in Creek County is taking residence in Sapulpa

February 23, 2022

The medical testing lab was approved by the Sapulpa City Council to move forward with…

Pedestrian struck on Thursday morning remains in ICU

February 22, 2022

Police say the man was walking in the middle of 49th W. Ave in the…

“Professional Thieves” broke into and vandalized the new Youth Sports Complex

February 22, 2022

The complex was heavily vandalized as thieves cut through several locks to gain access to…