
This Week in Sapulpa History: The Castle of Sapulpa

November 12, 2022

A building that became known as “The Castle” was actually an elementary school and became…

Sapulpa Lions Host Hearing Institute Speaker

November 8, 2022

The Lions Club recently had Pam Timmons from Hough Ear Institute as a guest speaker…

Creek County Clerk Request Funds for Preservation Project

November 8, 2022

The County is looking to index roughly 438,000 records—some of which are over 100 years…

County Notebook for October 31st – burn ban, purchasing AEDs and more

November 4, 2022

Here’s what happened at county meetings during the week of October 31st – November 4th.

A person near a campfire

Creek County Commissioners Temporarily Rescind Burn Ban

October 24, 2022

The rain (with more on the way) looks to have been enough to extinguish the…

This Week in Sapulpa History: The History of Holmes Field

October 21, 2022

From a football field, to an elementary school…how did Holmes Field get its name?

Sapulpa Public Library to host 5th Annual STEAM Con, October 22nd

October 17, 2022

STEAM Con is coming up on Saturday! Here are the details on what’s happening, and…

This Week in Sapulpa History: The Building of a Million Stories

October 10, 2022

This week, the building that we all refer to as the Sapulpa Herald building is…

This Week in Sapulpa History: How Sapulpa Earned a Vessel

October 1, 2022

During World War I, many images of the war, such as the battles, war bonds…

Crash on Hwy 117 overturns two vehicles, no severe injuries reported

September 28, 2022

“It appears everybody made it out of their terrible collision alive and safe.”