Upcoming June elections: when and where to vote in Creek County
Get the latest information on how to find out more about the upcoming June elections…
Challenger Sherry Capps defeats incumbent Brian Stephens in City Council race
Challenger Sherry Capps has defeated incumbent Brian Stephens for the Ward 2, Seat 2 spot…
Early voting begins March 28th
Creek County has several decisions to be made this April, including a Sapulpa City Council…
Creek County residents have until March 31st to change their party affiliation
No party changes are allowed from April 1st through 31st during an even-numbered year.
Absentee ballot applications must be received by Monday, March 18th
The deadline to request absentee ballots by mail is approaching. Applications must be received by…
Early voting for the Presidential Primary begins February 29th
Early voting is open to all voters. Get information on when and where you can…
Creek County Election Board reminds of voter registration and absentee ballot deadlines
A couple of important voter deadlines are fast approaching, according to statements from Creek County…
Most city councilors will run unopposed for the upcoming election
Out of the five seats in City Council up for reelection, only Ward 2 will…
Candidate filing begins next month for Creek County Boards of Education
Those who wish to file for a Board of Education office must submit a Declaration…
Candidate filings for municipal offices to begin in December
Five seats in Sapulpa’s City Council are up for election. See what’s available inside.