
Creek County Master Gardener: Controlling Grasshoppers

July 19, 2023

Oklahoma is home to over 130 species of grasshoppers. This insect plays a crucial role…

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Nerd Knowledge: How to calculate your electrical energy consumption

July 17, 2023

In recent years, electricity costs have skyrocketed and I am going to tell you how…

Master Gardener: Summer Pruning Tips

July 14, 2023

Pruning is thought of as a winter task when the plant is dormant, but there…

Nerd knowledge: What is a Heat Dome?

July 9, 2023

Exceptionally hot and dry conditions that last for days or weeks are caused by high-pressure…

boy in black and white long sleeve shirt standing beside gray metal watering can during daytime

Creek County Master Gardener: Summer Watering

July 6, 2023

Summer has made it to Creek County and although there has been recent rain, plants…

woman holding red phone

How to avoid being scammed

July 5, 2023

Modern-day scam artists have easy access to an enormously large pool of potential victims. Don’t…

fireworks, new year's eve, city

Nerd Knowledge: The science of fireworks

July 4, 2023

The first fireworks were developed in China around the second century, and to this day,…

tornado, destruction, flag

How to avoid storm-related scams 

July 1, 2023

Large-scale storm events tend to bring out the scammers. Here are ways to spot the…

Creek County Master Gardeners attend international conference

July 1, 2023

Creek County Master Gardeners learned a lot about new trends in gardening, and how to…

person holding white samsung galaxys 4

Avoiding the most common types of scams

June 29, 2023

Scammers are hitting hard with new technology, finding ways to take advantage of folks using…