Bartlett Academy Set to Graduate Largest Class Ever

Roger Johnson, the principal who’s just finishing his first year in the job at Bartlett Academy, is already surpassing his own expectations.

When he first took on the job, after serving as assistant-principal at Holmes Park Elementary, his focus was on taking the lessons he’d learned while teaching art classes at the middle and high schools and putting them to work for the students at Bartlett. It was about creating a place for them to belong. In his words, “bringing the ‘art’ back to Bartlett”.

It appears that his work has paid off, as Bartlett is set to graduate a class of 30 students this year—the largest class ever.


For all his success, Johnson never credits himself with any of it. When asked what the deciding factor is, he says “Good teachers here. You’re only as good as the people you have around you.”

Johnson is not alone in embracing the students at Bartlett. He spoke of the Senior Banquet, which was recently hosted by Sapulpa’s First Presbyterian Church.

Typically the event is a smaller gathering. This year there were upwards of 140 people in attendance.

When we first interviewed Johnson in August, he was quick to point out that “These are not the bad kids. These are students who need a different approach to getting their education.”

Judging by the way his first year went, it looks as though his “different approach” has been the right one.

Bartlett seniors graduate on May 19th.

Featured Image: Principal Johnson on the far right, stands with a group of staff and some of the graduating seniors in front of The Bartlett Dragon.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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