The application for a Special Use Permit to allow a new dispensary on Dewey, east of Torchy’s, that had no action taken on it at the May 17th regular City Council meeting, was quickly approved at the June 7th meeting.

Urban Development Director Nikki Howard, addressing the Council, said that her staff report remained unchanged, in that she still recommended approval. She also reminded the Council that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the application in a unanimous vote at their May 4th meeting.
A motion made to approve the application was quickly seconded, and neither the applicants nor their attorney were asked to approach the council to give any clarification.
The item passed 7-3.
There has been some confusion as to whether or not the applicants, Mike and Monica McSweeney, will close their existing dispensary, Zen Budz, located on Teel, just east of Main.
Mr. McSweeney told Sapulpa Times that they will stay at the current location until their lease expires, and in the meantime, they will be improving the property on Dewey. They intend to have that finished and to be ready to open by the fall.
Legally, both dispensaries could simultaneously operate, as they each have approved SUPs from the City council and current certifications from OMMA, and nothing in State law or City ordinance disallows one from operating more than one medical marijuana facility.
Furthermore, none of the Councillors made closing the first dispensary a condition for approving the second.
However, the McSweeneys told the Planning Commission and the City Council that their motivation to relocate was a need for additional space to have confidential meetings with their patients, which they are unable to do at their building on Teel.
The couple is also interested in improving the community through their counseling services at their dispensary and by being a part of the Route 66 and downtown expansion.