Young Heroine Pulls Occupants From Overturned SUV

A collision at the corner of Bryan and Linden shortly before noon on Tuesday resulted in an overturned SUV, according to officers at the scene.

Overturned Jeep Grand Cherokee near the intersection of Bryan and Linden. Charles Betzler Photo.

An eastbound Chevrolet pickup driven down Bryan Avenue by Kathryn Milwee struck a southbound Jeep Grand Cherokee that had failed to yield after pulling away from a stop sign on Linden Street.

The force of the impact pushed the Jeep into the rock-filled ravine at the southeast corner of Bryan and Linden, causing it to land on its top. 


Seventeen-year-old Imelda Contreras, a passenger in the Jeep, crawled out of the vehicle and cleared mud and rocks from the Jeep, thus allowing her to pull the driver, Kathy Gear, and her front-seat passenger, Marie Davis, out of the upside-down SUV.

Miraculously, there were no apparent serious injuries. Ms. Gear had chest bruises and Ms. Davis had lacerations on her nose. Both women chose not to go by ambulance but said they would seek medical attention.

Nick Gear, the husband of the Jeep driver, questioned why there is no guard rail on the east side of the ravine yet there is one on the west side.

According to Steve Farmer, the pastor of Open Door Fellowship Church at 405 East Taft, Miss Contreras, who attends services there, will receive an award for her heroic actions at a ceremony before the Sunday Morning Worship Service.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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