“You Can’t Get There From Here” is worth seeing before it’s gone

The current play being presented in the Sapulpa Community Theater is “You Can’t Get There From Here,” by Pat Cook. Veteran actress and director, Sherry Whisman, chose perfect people to play the parts, guided them through mile-a-minute dialogue, and created a truly hilarious event for the local audience. Don’t miss it!

The story is simple: innocent travelers hit a pothole right in front of The Mavis Garner Bed and Breakfast, and end up at the mercy of the town’s administrative staff and the romantic plans of the landlady. The relentless action whirls around a mystery, a romance, and false identities.

The cast is headed by Gina Lloyd as Liz, who runs the B & B. She fits her part to perfection, right down to her plaid shirt and fishing gear.


The pièce de résistance was Aunt Myrtle played with cackling abandon by our Miss Debbie Pope. A founding member of the SCT, Debbie has played this role three times, each time, I am sure, with increasing confidence, fun, and flair. It is worth the price of admission just to watch her take off on a flight of lunacy.

LaCinda Adamson (Tulsa) plays the niece, the love interest, who was by turns googly-eyed happy and googly-eyed angry. Arthur, a tabloid journalist, played by Daryl Johnson (Broken Arrow), a last-minute replacement, was dazzling. He was manic, then annoyed, and squeezed the juice out of a pivotal role– a role that he mastered in 2—count ‘em, two—days!

Brenda Hughes played “Queenie,” a local newspaper gal, is a seasoned performer who adds some spice to the plot. Dolores, played by Christie Romo (from Mounds), is evil. She is rude, obnoxious, and ruthless, and Christie nails it as a perfectly horrible boss. Chad Hughes, who played Horace, the owner of the tabloid newspaper, also replaced another actor right before opening night. He was smarmy, smart, and helps solve the puzzles.

The crew is exceptional. Set designer Harley Cartee is a theatrical genius. His set is realistic, sparse, and balanced in a play that is anything but. He runs the tech board, so you won’t see him, but you’ll see his work shine. Stage Manager Linda McCormick has been in that role for dozens of plays. She is funny, sharp, and dedicated.

Costuming was provided by creative costumer Kathy Robinson and cast members. Each member of the cast was dressed appropriately, and stand-outs were Arthur, Dolores, and of course, Myrtle.

The only downside to the play is that you will leave holding your sides from laughing. There may be a recovery time the next day—it’s that funny! Every line is a joke or a set-up.

Friday night, Feb. 22nd, the play starts at 7:30 p.m., but get there early as the seats are not reserved. On Saturday, the 23rd, the time is the same. Sunday, the matinee begins at 2 p.m.

Adults are $12, children are $5. This show is definitely kid-friendly and a great way to introduce children to the wonderful experience of live theater.

Order tickets online at https://www.sapulpatheatre.org

Auditions for “Our Town,” by Thornton Wilder, will be take place on Saturday, Feb. 22nd.

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