Would-be thief waits patiently at scene for Police to arrive.

On Tuesday, June 18 at approximately 3:30 a.m. Sapulpa Police Officer Jonathan Noah was dispatched to an address on North Burnett to investigate a burglary in progress. The reporting party stated that a white male in dark pants and a white shirt was attempting to break into his vehicle.

Upon arrival Officer Noah encountered Joshua Eugene Clark (Defendant), who admitted he made entry into the vehicle with the intention of taking change from inside it.

The victim and reporting party said he heard his car alarm sound its alert, and then he observed the Defendant slam the door and flee the scene on foot.


The victim further stated that he yelled at the Defendant who stopped and remained at the residence until the police arrived.

A criminal background search revealed a handful of misdemeanor drug charges in the past, and more recently, in April of this year, a felony conviction for false impersonation out of Creek County.

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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