Woman drives car into local hair salon; no injuries reported

Stephanie Roach, the proprietor of Hair Cuts Express, 200 North Mission Street, told the Sapulpa Times that shortly after 3 p.m Monday, an elderly female patron inadvertently ran into the front of the building. Roach said the lady apparently pushed the gas pedal instead of the brake pedal.

According to Ms. Roach, the woman waited patiently for the police and emergency responders to arrive, however, in the confusion caused by the accident, the driver did not turn off her vehicle. Roach asked the woman to turn off her vehicle’s ignition for safety reasons.

The damage to the late-model Honda that the woman was driving looked to be minimal, but the building sustained considerable damage. 

The driver was given a thorough examination by paramedics who arrived on the scene. It was determined she came out of this incident unscathed and she was able to drive her vehicle home.

Roach stated that she was going to ask the owner of the building to place some sort of barrier in front of the establishment to prevent such future occurrences. 

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