Why spaying and neutering pets is a must

Did you know that in just three years, and as young as four months old, one unspayed female and one unneutered male can produce 512 dogs or 382 cats? 

This is why sterilizing one’s pets is of the utmost importance and is required by City ordinance. Citizens of Sapulpa may not have dogs or cats over the age of 6 months which have not been spayed or neutered, unless the owner has been approved for a hobbyist exemption permit for breeding. 

Pete Sellers, Director of Animal Control for the City, told Sapulpa Times that the Shelter has received 46 adult cats and 110 baby kittens in the last month. He says they have received calls to pick up many, many more, but are at capacity.


Spaying and neutering has a bevy of benefits, including the reduction of spraying/marking behavior, roaming, and aggression, as well as lowering the risk of cancers, decreasing overpopulation, and increasing the cat or dog’s lifespan up to 3-5 years. 

If you care about your pet, animals in general, and your community, please do your part by getting your pets sterilized. Veterinarians say, “Better early than late,” and say that cats can have the procedure as early as 4-6 months old, and dogs as early as 5-9 months. 

To adopt one of these precious cats or kittens, stop by the animal shelter at 8812 West 100th Street South. You are welcome to stop by anytime during business hours, which are Monday and Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. to noon, and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They are closed Sundays and Mondays.

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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