When Dogs Attack: Sapulpa boy suffers 12 stitches, 18 staples as result of neighborhood dog attack

Karol Arroyo spoke on Wednesday evening about an incident that began right after Christmas. She said her son, 10-year-old, SA, who is a 5th grader at Holmes Park, was with three of his buddies, riding their scooters home from Kelly Lane Park’s Skate Park, on Dec. 28th about 5 or 6 p.m.  They were confronted by 4 large dogs, loose in the road in front of a home at the 1000 block of S. Park. Three of the dogs circled around three of the boys on scooters, and one German shepherd dog attacked her son.

It was reported that the dog owner and house renter, James Gage, let his dogs run from the back yard through the house and out the front door and into his un-fenced front yard, and later yelled at his dogs. The Sapulpa Times was unable to contact the dogs’ owner.

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