What’s Next for Sapulpa: Revitalization of Town West

When you enter Sapulpa city limits from the northeast what do you see: an entrance to Turner Turnpike, an industrial area, neglected motels, or do you see the potential for a renewed shopping district and an increase in sales tax revenue for the city of Sapulpa?

During Tuesday evening’s City Council meeting members awarded a bid for the Town West Master Plan to TSW in the amount of $232,000.

City Manager Joan Riley said the goal is “to create a market-based economic strategy that includes a long-term, visionary, comprehensive plan.” 


The Town West area is part of Sapulpa located in Tulsa County, said Riley. The plan will be funded through an economic development half-cent sales tax attributed to this specific area with the stipulation that the funds be used for improvements, she said. Effective since Jan 1, 2017, it has accumulated approximately $1.5M. 

Riley said “This comprehensive plan will be funded through this tax along with identified future projects utilizing these funds as well; however, the long-range plan will analyze and identify future funding possibilities that will be needed over the next 5 to 10 years or more. 

The City of Sapulpa would then be able to attract quality and sustainable retail growth, as well as support business expansion and tourism in that area. 

Two RFP bids were submitted, but after review, the more detailed and lowest bid by TWS was recommended for approval by Economic Developer Mark Lawson.   

Currently, TSW is currently working on the creation of new zoning codes with design standards and guidelines for downtown Sapulpa. On this project, they will work with city officials and a steering committee to develop a Master Plan to “connect, promote, and improve the Town West district”.  In addition, they will assist the city in the rebranding of the district with new signage, logos, and the development of a cohesive vision.

City officials will be discussing how best to engage public input in the first few meetings with TSW. She said this may include stakeholders/focus groups, much like the downtown plan, and surveys which would allow the City to reach more of the community. 

The bid said it would include city departments, Chamber staff, property owners, Tulsa County officials, residents and visitors in the Town West District.

The submitted bid documents say TSW will create up to four master plan concepts with renderings and support graphics after the visioning process is complete. They will submit their final report to City Council by Dec. 31, 2023.

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