What to do this weekend in Sapulpa (November 20-22)

Turkey Day is coming, but it’s not here, yet! Here’s your chance to get something done before we launch into the busyness of the holidays.


We could literally find nothing going on today in Sapulpa or nearby, so we’re going to do something we don’t normally do and invite you to check out a couple of events over in T-Town:

An Affair of the Heart is celebrating 20 years in Tulsa! Even though they’ve been around, expect brand new, first-time vendors in over 130,000 square feet of pure shopping bliss at the River Spirit Expo at Expo Square Nov. 20-22. They’ll have everything you’ve come to expect from the An Affair of the Heart shows including home and garden decor, upcycled furniture, clothing and accessories, gourmet foods, fine art, pottery and ceramics, and many more handmade and one-of-a-kind items from over 500 vendors. Will likely be some local vendors there, including one of our friends The Peaceful Housewife from over in Sand Springs.



Lights On Sapulpa happened yesterday, so Downtown Sapulpa is now lit up in all it’s sparkling splendor. If you weren’t able to make it out to that one, maybe you’d enjoy checking out the glow of the holidays during this free, public opening to Philbrook Festival 2015. Visitors enjoy cocoa, holiday art-making activities, and the unparalleled beauty of the Philbrook Gardens lit for the holiday season. At Philbrook Museum of Art, 2727 S Rockford Rd, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114 from 5pm to 8pm.

South Heights Church is having The Rearview Mirror Band in concert from 5:00pm to 7:30pm. One of the leading bluegrass bands of today, they have played professionally in the Tulsa area for 20 years. The band is a 6-piece trio playing a wide range of music including bluegrass, country, gospel, blues, folk and rock. Be there at 5 PM for spaghetti dinner and 6 PM for the concert. Admission is on a donation basis ($15 suggested donation). Come early to get a good seat!


Sapulpa Chieftains 2015 Varsity Football Banquet is Sunday. You were supposed to get your tickets beforehand, but if you have a hankering for good BBQ, you may be able to get one of the 50 spots they will have available at the door. More information on that one here.

Are you into cycling? There’s a really cool Motocross event happening at Collier Park at 231 N Mann Street in Sapulpa. The race is in a challenging and scenic course that will “showcase the elevation changes that define Oklahoma.” The first race starts at 9:30am. You can get the flyer here, and register, here.


On Saturday morning, there’s a pancake and sausage breakfast and bake sale at Church That Matters in the Prattville Shopping Center (in Sand Springs) to raise money for upcoming Missions trips. 7am – 10am.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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