UPDATED: What to do this weekend in Sapulpa (May 6-8)

UPDATE: We forgot to add the Sapulpa Truck Touch! See Saturday for more details.

It’s that time again.

No, not time to spin the “Wheel of Morality,” (Animaniacs, anyone? Anyone? Ahem.)


It’s time to get our plans in order for the weekend! Here’s what’s going down, y’all.


Captain America: Civil WarFirst off, if you’re only doing one thing this weekend—well, it should probably be the Annual Oklahoma 100 Mile Long Yard Sale— but if you’re only doing two things this weekend, make sure you head over to Sapulpa Cinema 8 and get into a showing of Captain America: Civil War, which opens this weekend. One of the most highly-anticipated blockbuster movies of the summer, it pits Iron Man against Captain America in a visually stunning and star-studded roundup that could almost be be called Avengers 3. Get tickets now.

The big event this weekend is the Annual Oklahoma 100 Mile Long Yard Sale. Sapulpa joins other regional towns like Cleveland, Oilton, Cushing, Mannford and more with city-wide garage sales that will be chock-full of sales. You can get a full map and list of Sapulpa’s yard sales over here. Most sales start on Friday and continue on into Saturday.



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The Sapulpa Truck Touch is today! At this free event over at the high school parking lot, you can see a great collection of trucks and vehicles of all kinds, and participate in a variety of activities. Check it out from 10am to 2pm!




Sunday is Mother’s Day. Consequently, the No. 1 thing you should do today is call, check up on, or go hang out with your mom (or the appropriate mom-figure in your life).


Starting on Thursday, May 12th and running through the 14th, Rooster Days Festival in Broken Arrow is one of the oldest continually running festivals in Oklahoma. It’s a free event including a large carnival, a parade, live entertainment and more! Read more about it here.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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