Westlake Ace Hardware pricing explained

A recent Facebook post on a local group page showed cleaning supplies and disinfectants exorbitantly priced. Among these was a 32-ounce Walmart house-brand isopropyl alcohol for $16.99, which elicited a harsh response and allegations of price gouging.

Bottles of Isopropyl Alcohol on the shelf at Westlake Ace Hardware for $16.99 each.

The Sapulpa Times reached out to the Westlake store and spoke to the assistant manager, Chad Goad. He stated that the items were purchased from a third-party vendor, not through the Ace Hardware supply chain. “We weren’t aware of what the items actually were, and they got here and we were paying retail for them, so marked them up accordingly. But had no idea there were Equate items.”

Goad went on to say that he did not know until the purchase was complete that he was paying an “astronomical” amount. “So then I was stuck with the product and to try to make adjustments accordingly.” He emphasized that he had no intention of price-gouging.


The Sapulpa Times asked Mr. Goad if the products were still on the shelf. He said that no, the  Equate alcohol had been removed. “If I need to pull the stuff from the shelf, and that’s what we’ve done, and just use it as we can at the store, then I will. We, in no way, try to purchase things and gouge people.”

Goad stressed that the procurement and pricing of these items were “perfectly innocent.” 

“If anyone was at fault, it was me. All I did was call the people that give me copy paper, and my pens and pencils and whatnot, they sent me this flyer staying ‘we can get you Lysol,’ which I couldn’t get my hands on at all, the alcohol and whatnot, and I was like, maybe we will try this out.”

Since he had routinely conducted business with the vendor, he did not check on prices. “When I get the bill, I’m like, how am I supposed to sell this at a retail price when I am paying more than retail already?”

Goad said that he was glad that this was brought to his attention and apologized profusely. He said “I will keep my eyes open on the names of the stuff I am purchasing” from now on. 

Goad stated for the record that the third-party vendor was not Merrifield Office Supply.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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