“We like our Coffey strong”: Fundraiser benefit for Sapulpa Police Officer set for Tuesday

Sapulpa Police Captain Glenn Coffey has been diagnosed with Stage 4 hereditary liver disease and is in need of a life-saving liver transplant. Coffey has been with the police department for over 22 years and he and his wife, Brandi, have 6 children. They are a well-known and well-loved family in the community.

According to his “We Like Our Coffey Strong” Facebook page, on Wednesday morning Glenn and Brandi were in Oklahoma City at Integris Baptist Hospital so Glenn can complete two full days of testing. They hope this will complete the final requirements for being placed on the transplant list.

The tests included lab work, an x-ray where they will get images of his sinuses and chest area, CT scans of his head, the abdomen and the pelvis area, a liver follow up at the liver clinic, a meeting with the nutritionist, and then they will end this long day with with an echocardiogram of the heart.


Brandi posted, “We hope to eat at Glenn’s favorite, Texas Roadhouse, tonight and then head to the hotel to rest up for a full day tomorrow! We ask that you pray for a successful day of testing with no bumps in the road as Glenn wins this battle!”

On Tuesday, March 5 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. there will be a fundraiser for Coffey at the Sapulpa Mazzios on Mission Street. Mention Officer Coffey when you order, dine-in or carry-out, and a percentage of the day’s receipts will go to the captain’s medical expenses.

They will also have auction baskets and t-shirts. The t-shirts are $15 for kids and $20 for adults.

If you prefer, you can give flat monetary donations through any of the options listed at the end of the article.

Friends of Coffey are also discussing other fundraisers, such as passing the hat at churches, a softball tournament, a round robin for other police departments and fire departments to join, a spaghetti dinner, and a prayer walk.

The fundraisers will help the family pay for different medical procedures, the transplant process, medications, transportation, and other medical expenses.

The “We Like Our Coffey Strong” Facebook page states that its purpose is to help people keep up to date on Coffey’s health, different medical procedures, the transplant process, and upcoming fundraisers.

For questions, for more information, or to donate to Glenn’s cause, email Coffeyfund@gmail.com, visit the We Like Our Coffey Strong Facebook page here, or go straight to PayPal at Paypal.me/coffeyfund21. There may also be a GoFundMe page and a Venmo account set up soon too.

You can also use the Coffeyfund@gmail.com to get in touch with Stacey Berry who is in charge of collecting donations and taking t-shirt orders.

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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