UPDATED: Watch Sapulpa students line the halls to cheer their Special Olympics team

UPDATE: We’ve added photos that Sapulpa Public Schools shared from their Facebook Page, see the bottom of the post.

Every year, Sapulpa’s group of Special Olympians head out to their activities to represent their school and compete. And every year, students will pile into the hallways as these students are making their way out the door. They call it the “Parade of Champions”


In this short but heartwarming video, Sapulpa students and faculty line the halls on either side as far as the camera lens can see, and cheer, clap and hurrah for their peers heading to the competition. The Special Olympics team take it all in with the pride and satisfaction that any other athlete would get from such praise. In a world where handicapped teenagers are often jeered and ignored, Sapulpa Chieftains remind us all what’s really important.


The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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