WATCH: Sapulpa sky lights up blue as power lines snap and transformers blow during Sunday morning’s tornadoes

Lots of details becoming more available in the aftermath of the tornado that hit Sapulpa early Sunday morning. For one thing—it wasn’t a single tornado, it was two.

The National Weather Service in Tulsa has confirmed that not one, but two separate tornados hit Sapulpa at the same time, from two different directions, which the communicated via tweet late Sunday evening:

Sapulpa Times has also been getting readers submitting photos and videos, including this one of the storm approaching Sapulpa.


Reader Kelsey Clemans Dick sent us a message on Facebook of what she said was footage of “power flashes” in Sapulpa. In the background, you can begin to see what looks like lightning in the distance.

But Kristi Howard, our resident weather nerd, corrected us: “When it’s blue, it’s power lines snapping and transformers blowing,” she said.

As you progress in the video, it becomes clear that this is not just lightning. Even the person recording the video asks, “What is that?!?”

See it for yourself in the video below:

Video sent in by Kelsey Clemans Dick
The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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