Voter Registration Deadline is tomorrow, October 9th

The State Election Board reminds Oklahomans that the deadline to register to vote or make changes to their registration for the November 3 General Election is tomorrow, October 9, 2020

New applicants can fill out a registration form using the OK Voter Portal “wizard.” Applications must be printed, signed, and mailed or hand-delivered to the Election Board to complete the process. Voter Registration Applications are also available at your County Election Board or can be downloaded from the State Election Board website.

Current voters are strongly encouraged to verify their registration online through the OK Voter Portal to make sure it is up-to-date for the November 3 election. Address changes can be made online provided you have not moved to a new county. If you have moved to a new county, you will need to complete a new Voter Registration Application. Party affiliation changes can also be made online.


To register to vote in Oklahoma:

  • You must be 18 years old on or before an election in which you are eligible to vote.
  • You must be a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Oklahoma.
  • You must affirm that you have not been convicted of a felony or if you have been convicted, you have fully served your sentence of court-mandated calendar days, including any term of incarceration, parole or supervision, or completed a period of probation ordered by any court.
  • You must affirm that you are not under judgment as an incapacitated person.
  • Applications for new registrations and updates must be postmarked or submitted by October 9.

Voters with questions should contact their County Election Board for more information.

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