Oklahoma Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax has issued a “voter alert” after a voter received a text message Friday, October 16 falsely stating that the voter’s polling place had changed.

The fraudulent text message advised the voter to reply to the text to confirm her name. The text listed a phone number to call to cease further notifications. The phone number provided in the message is purportedly for a male escort service. The matter has been turned over to law enforcement.
“Disinformation about the voting process is a real threat,” Ziriax stated. “Voters should be very cautious about phone calls, emails, social media posts, and text messages containing false information about elections, and report suspicious communications to election officials immediately.”
According to Creek County Election Board Secretary Joy Naifeh, polling place changes are rare. The local election board is required to mail cards to all registered voters 30 days before an election. A polling place change did occur in Creek County this year, however, notifications were mailed out 45 days prior to the election.
Naifeh pointed out that a voter’s polling place is shown on the front of his or her voter ID card.
Voters can utilize the OK Voter Portal on the State Election Board’s website, or contact the Creek County Election Board at 918-224-3529, to verify their polling place.