Upcoming Public Open House Presents Opportunity to Participate in Downtown Master Plan

The City of Sapulpa Downtown Master Plan is in draft form and ready for public feedback on the draft recommendations and concepts via public open house. The public open house will be Mar. 10 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the SeneGence Event Center, 117 E. Dewey Ave., in Sapulpa. 

If virtual engagement is preferred over in-person attendance at the public open house, community members will be able to review and comment on the entire draft plan document online via the project website for 2 weeks, from Mar. 11 through Mar. 26, 2021. 

Community members are encouraged to participate in-person via the public open house or virtually via the project website.


The Downtown Master Plan will guide the future direction of downtown Sapulpa to ensure that it can continue to sustainably grow and develop to suit the needs of its residents. The draft plan includes sections on the overarching vision for downtown, land use, development, urban design, aesthetics, street life, transportation, parking, and economic development.

The project website is live at www.downtownsapulpaplan.com. Sign up for project emails, which include invites to public engagement events. Please direct questions to nhoward@cityofsapulpa.net, or Nikki Howard, Urban Development Director, at 918-248-5917.

Community submissions include online messages and Letters to the Editor sent in from members of the community, as well as some past contributors. Want to send us a submission? Send it to news@sapulpatimes.com

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