Truck bursts through front of Atwoods in Sapulpa

An otherwise quiet night came to a screeching halt at Atwoods on Taft at about 7pm on Saturday night. In fact, if there had been actual screeching, the employees might’ve had more of a warning.

Police on the scene said the driver of a red Ford pickup—who’s name was not released—meant to put the truck in reverse and instead put it in drive, going up over the sidewalk, halfway through a pallet of rock salt, and partially through the glass at the front of the store, before coming to a rest just a few feet inside.

Makayla Edison was working at the customer service counter when the accident occurred. She was less than 20 feet away from the glass front where the truck made it’s entrance.


“I just heard a loud crash, and the sound of all this glass hitting the floor,” she said. “He kept trying to go forward, and then he tried to go back. It was bad, he ran over a shopping cart.”

The truck had to be pulled out of the store by a wrecker, but Police said the truck was still drivable and the man left.

Other than the glass and the rock salt, it looked like the only injury was to the mangled shopping cart. Police confirmed there were no injuries, and that the man would not be charged for what was deemed an accident.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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