Townhouses to be built along 49th West Ave

The Creek County Board of Commissioners passed a motion to sign a resolution approving a rezoning request from Amy Prosser as recommended by the Creek County Planning Commission to rezone from Light Residential to Heavy Residential to allow townhouses with the approval of the Board of Adjustments on 3-15-23. The tract, which will contain approximately 2.18 acres, is located at  10572 S. 49th W. Avenue, Sapulpa, and must follow recommendations from the City of Sapulpa on sewer service and the Creek County Floodplain Management for water detention. 

Creek County Planner Wendy Murray stated that properties to the north and west are light residential, to the east is the Creek Turnpike and commercial development, and to the south are residential properties. In 2021 The CCCP received an application to have this property rezoned to a commercial district, to build an RV Park, however, the applicant withdrew the application. The Planner has received a few calls about the development affecting property value and possible traffic congestion.

This tract will contain five two-story buildings with a total of thirty units, and have a 26’ wide road, as required by the City. The CCPC recommended approval on 3/21/23, along with the Planning Office. The Board discussed the hydrology reports that will be needed for the drainage. 


The Board voted to sign a resolution approving a  rezoning request and a lot split per recommendations of Creek County Planning Commission to rezone from Agricultural to

Commercial on Tract A and Tract B to remain Agricultural to allow lot split.

Tract A will be extending the Commercial use to allow for a new Dollar General Store. Tract will meet all requirements and will contain 1.72 acres more or less. Tract B will remain Agricultural and meet all requirements. The tract will contain 32.37 acres more or less and is not located in a flood zone.

The area is designated as Commercial in the Future Land Use Map, The planner

has received a few phone calls concerning the rezoning.  Commissioner Warner stated “this is a good use for the area and will benefit the rural folks.”

The CCPC recommended approval on 3/21/23, along with the Planning Office. Property located at the northwest corner of the intersection of HWY 33 And HWY 48 in Mannford.

Commissioners voted to let for bid Courthouse Coping Repair be opened on 4/24/23. (Coping refers to pieces of bent sheet metal that make a continuous cap that covers the vertical wall around the roof. It provides an extra layer of protection against the elements.)

 And discussed the continuing leaky roof, and that after several contractors have inspected the roof, the consensus is that the roof is not leaking, rather it is the coping and the edges.

Commissioners also discussed where the funds would come from, Stephens stated that the Use Tax has previously been used. He said that they could look at other options.

 The Board passed a motion to award the bid for a metal storage building for the Fairgrounds to RD Simpson for $199,500.00 for the building and as funds are available the alternate structure options which included spray foam insulation on the ceiling, steel walk-through doors, and nine overhead roll-up doors, in the amounts of $3,200.00, $29,500.00 and $45,500.00, respectively,  totaling $277,700.00 per recommendations of Jonathan Kieffer, Fairground Representative. Kieffer stated that the Fair Board had reviewed all bids and would like to award to the lowest and best bidder RD Simpson. “We would like to add the alternative options to the bid, as well.”

Stephens discussed the shortage of funds due to the rental deposit not being apportioned yet, however, this project won’t start for a couple of weeks, and by then the required funds will be available.

Commissioners voted to sign a resolution updating the Creek County Hazard Mitigation Plan between Creek County and INCOG. Covey Murray, Emergency Management Director spoke to the Board on the proposed plan.

The Board passed a motion to sign a resolution designating unused real property of the County as unneeded for courthouse or jail purposes, and requesting that District  Judge Doug Golden appoint disinterested freeholders of the county to appraise the property so that it may be sold. 

The property is located at the northwest corner of South Creek Avenue and West 2nd St. South intersection in Drumright.

Commissioner Leon Warner stated that the County tried to sell this property in the past to willing buyers, but the deal did not go through. “The property is currently dilapidated and needing to be cleaned up, we do have an interested buyer and have to go through this process to remove property from being county-owned,” said Warner.

A motion passed to submit a county action report for an addition to District #1 and approve the Oklahoma Department Of Transportation certified mileage map which determines State funding.

Commissioners voted to sign a resolution to surplus an ID card printer and sign another resolution to dispose of said item as junk.

The Board voted to sign a resolution to sign a resolution removing Justin Evans and adding Jerry Henderson to Highway District #3 accounts and retaining Cindy Smith. The Board tabled surplussing equipment in District #3.

Commissioners passed a motion to approve a utility permit from Oklahoma Natural Gas Company per County Specs for natural gas pipeline, to parallel W. 64th St. S. approximately 2.89 miles N. and 0.86 miles W. of US HWY 44 and ST HWY 364. Commissioners voted to approve a utility permit request AT&T per County Specs for fiber optic cable conduit, by bore and trench, to parallel N. Frankoma Rd and Ridgeview St. approximately .3 miles W. of I-44.

A motion was passed by to receive and transfer a 28” custom-built mobile command vehicle purchased with ARPA Funds for the Sheriff. The vehicle has been received and transferred to the Sheriff’s Department.

Chair Newt Stephens welcomed the Creek County Leadership class of 2023 and thanked them for” being interested in what is happening in our county.”

The BOCC meets every Monday at 9 a.m., at the Collins Building.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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