This fourth grader’s mom met her at the bus stop dressed up as a dancing cow on the first day of school

We seriously can’t stop laughing.

Poor Xoey Hix was probably as nervous as every kid about the first day of school. But getting picked up by a dancing cow at the bus stop was probably the last thing she was expecting.

Xoey, who’s mom says she spelled her name that way “so that it always starts with a hug and a kiss,” Started her first day of Fourth Grade at Allen Bowden elementary on Thursday, like many other students.


But many of those other students’ moms probably don’t have this awesome cow pajama outfit:

Jothan Hix, mom to Xoey, and owner of cow pajamas.

Hix told Sapulpa Times “since I’m well known by my friends for wearing my cow pajamas, I decided to go for it.”

Recording herself from the car, you see Hix flash a thumbs up to the camera as she makes her way to the end of the driveway where she’ll meet the bus. She busts a few dance moves in quick order to show us what Xoey can expect. This is gonna be good.

It takes a few minutes for the bus to arrive (we trimmed it down), and we watch as Hix complains about the heat and checks her horns and ears on her cow hood. Everything is in good working order. Then the bus arrives and…well, we won’t spoil it for you. Watch the video below and try not to laugh.

Hix said that Xoey laughed at first and then was “soooo embarrassed! She told me she was disowning me.” You can hear Xoey say “bye” to the bus driver and walk right past her mom, hoping that if she ignores it, it’ll go away.

Mom’s awesome pick-up routine may not make Xoey the most popular kid in school, but we bet she’ll never forget her first day of fourth grade.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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