The walkout is happening and school will be closed in Sapulpa; Here’s what you can do.

What do I do with my children during the day if school is suspended?

Several organizations have stepped up to help accommodate parents who will have to work or need supervision for their children during the possible suspension.

Salvation Army
1721 S. Hickory, Sapulpa, OK 74066
Accepting students ages 5 to 17 (They do have a maximum capacity of 306 children)
Hours: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

You will need to complete a registration form for each child. Please download the form and return it to The Salvation Army at your earliest convenience.


The Salvation Army also needs volunteers to help during this time. Incoming volunteers will be required to take a short safety course. If you would like to volunteer, please complete this Volunteer Application and take it to The Salvation Army.

First Baptist Church
200 S. Elm Pl. Sapulpa, OK 74066
Accepting students preferably 5th grade and under
Hours: TBA
Contact: Smokey Hurst or Dany Daniel

Tulsa Area United Way is creating a Community Resource Guide for parents. This guide will allow parents and caregivers to review potential resources in their area. You can access the Resource Guide here.

What about breakfast and lunch for my children?

Holmes Park Elementary cafeteria, 1231 E. Dewey, will be open between 8 and 9 a.m. for breakfast and between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. for lunch. Meals will be provided for our students. Students will enter through the front entrance of the school and the meal must be eaten on site. There is no charge for the meals.

Salvation Army will provide breakfast between 8 and 9 a.m. Lunch will be served between 12 and 1 p.m.

First Baptist Church will provide breakfast between 8 and 9 a.m. Lunch will be served between 11:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.

Allen Church will provide breakfast between 9 and 9:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided between 12 and 12:45 p.m.

What about Athletic Events and After-school Activities? Will they still happen?

We will continue with our regularly scheduled games and matches. However, if an opposing school on our schedule chooses to not participate in athletics, that event may be rescheduled or canceled. Please stay in communication with your coach or director for updates and check the new athletics website for game schedules. Practices will be held outside regular school instructional hours.

Prom and Graduation will proceed as scheduled.

Other activities will resume but meetings, rehearsals, and practices will be held outside regular school instructional hours.

All planned trips for athletics and fine arts will take place as scheduled. Sapulpa Fine Arts activities and contests will take place as scheduled. Sapulpa athletic competitions will take place as scheduled.


What about State Testing? Will that change?

As of March 26, the Oklahoma State Department of Education said testing will proceed as scheduled. However, if the dates change, we will pass those along as soon as we know them.

The dates for Advanced Placement (AP) Testing will not change. The AP Testing will take place May 7-11 and May 14-18.

ACT Dates – Information coming soon.

What about TCC and Vo-Tech? Will school buildings be open?

Students other than those who attend Tulsa Community College will not be able to access school buildings during the suspension.

Tulsa Community College (TCC) is a post-secondary institution and will continue to have classes. Students must arrange transportation to the regularly scheduled campus or site. Online students will continue with their programs as well.

Creek County Technology Centers (CCTC) are also a post-secondary institution and will continue to have classes. Students must arrange transportation to the High School in order to ride the CCTC shuttles that will continue to run at regularly scheduled times.

My Child is a Latchkey student. Will they be able to attend Latchkey?

Latchkey before and after school care will not be available while school is not in session.

My Child requires special needs. Is there any assistance available?

OASIS Adult Day Services – Discovery Enrichment Program
410 E. Lee Sapulpa, OK 74066
Contact: Mandy Woodruff

OASIS is offering its services free of charge for any students over the age of 16 who are already enrolled in a special education program at SPS.

The decision to suspend schools, if necessary, was made after conducting an internal survey with the district’s teachers and support staff to determine what their plans were on April 2. More than 91 percent of Sapulpa Public Schools teachers and support staff responded that they will participate in walking out and calling on state leadership in Oklahoma City to increase public education funding.

“With this information, I now know we will be unable to provide our students with the satisfactory instructional time and supervision that is part of their daily routine if the deadline isn’t met,” said Armstrong.

During the school board meeting on March 12, the Sapulpa Board of Education authorized Armstrong to suspend schools for up to 25 days if he deemed it necessary to ensure the safety of the students and the fiscal integrity of the district.

“I hope state leadership steps up and we aren’t out any days. However, the board and I strongly support our teachers in their right to peacefully address the state legislators in Oklahoma City for increased educational funding,” said Armstrong.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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