The Route 66 Christmas Chute ends its first year; What’s next?

The Route 66 Christmas Chute brought people from all over the world to experience the winter wonderland that was built by the community in the heart of Route 66 in downtown Sapulpa. Over and over again, we heard, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Alas, all good things must eventually come to an end.

On Monday evening, the lights at the Route 66 Christmas Chute went dark for the last time, effectively putting an end to the magic of the holiday season. There was nothing left now but to tear it down and put it away.


And, of course, to start planning for next year.

Tuesday morning began with the deconstruction process in full swing. Any ornaments or decorations that stuck out more than 8 inches after the panels were lowered and stored vertically would have to be removed. The rest could remain attached and would be stored with the panels themselves.

The infrastructure would be the last to come down and will take place over the next two weeks. If everything goes according to plan, downtown Sapulpa will be accessible to vehicular traffic again by January 16th.

That doesn’t mean that everything will go back to the way it was in October, however.

Work on the second phase of the alleyway redesign—this time south of Dewey between Water and Park streets—is due to start in January. The goal is to have that alleyway complete before the holidays hit in 2023.

Visitors who were excited about the light-up ornaments in the alley on the north side of Dewey should be doubly excited about the upcoming redesign, as it will allow for an even better experience next year with its larger green space, outdoor bathrooms, and expanded walkable area, effectively connecting Martha’s Corner on Water Street with Park Street and Hobson Street. On the whole, the alleyway redesign is a $2 million project.

2020 GO Bond Projects regarding the expansion of Hwy 117 across Route 66 to Ozark Trail should be completed in January or early February, as reported earlier by The Sapulpa Herald.

In addition, the traffic light to be installed at 49th W. Avenue and Highway 117 should finally begin construction in January. Another accident at that location happened on Tuesday, December 27th, sending at least three occupants to the hospital.

Micah is the owner and publisher of Sapulpa Times.

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