The New You

Christmas dinner was not even finished, and we were being bombarded by ad after ad both on TV and social media about new year’s resolutions. Creating or recreating a “New You” is a multibillion-dollar business in America…and it’s annually renewable, with the largest surge coming in the first quarter of the year – After we all make our resolutions to do better this time, this coming year. We resolve to rebuild and renew our minds, bodies and spirit over the next twelve months, using the latest and greatest new fads. (of course, all are successful in multiple blind studies ☺)

Our consumer mentality of paying now for immediate results, are deflated by the intended outcome of work we must do to make the transformation successful… a quick result or fix for a situation or problem that has been months or years in the making. In most cases these resolutions are directed by guilt, shame or failure… our being slothful or stubborn in our choices.

In a quick internet poll, on Google, these were the most popular resolutions that people have determined to hope for over the past years:


  • Eat healthier & exercise more, losing some weight.
  • Saving more money, and stop spending needlessly.
  • Reading more, and take time for me.
  • Learn a new skill, to better my situation.
  • Find “Love” – someone to share life with.

None of these resolutions are “Bad” but they all have to do with “Self” – Me. Jesus came so you can have a relationship that is more meaningful than all the ones you have had so far in your life. God wants to be involved in our day-to-day. He will give you, the strength to resolve to be more… becoming healthier, wiser, a better manager of wealth and help you become a much better person to share your life with another. Every resolution people make, can be completed in one single resolution: To seek out and hunger to know God.

After all, we do things in our own strength and continuously fail, because we want to say we can do it… this continually feeds the commercialized theme of creating or recreating a “New You”. God can instantaneously heal, renew and restore you… He can liberate you from addiction and set you free of bondage, if you let Him. We are a new creation in Christ, when we allow Him to be the Lord of our lives – He is a God of freedom and liberty, one of renewal, restoration, strength and hope. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

It’s a daily effort, to trust Him to continue the process that began the moment you trusted Him to be Lord, and he began to transform you. This daily effort requires a resolve, but one not just of determination but of perspective… resolution means, being determined… but it’s also the measure of sharpness things are revealed. If you trust Him and believe that He will finish the good work that He began in you. You will see clearly where the decisions you should make as He is renewing your mind – your 2019 resolution to be more… becoming healthier, wiser, a better manager of wealth and help you become a much better person to share your life with another… you will succeed in and through Him. (Philippians 4:8 & Romans 12:2)

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