The Creek County Memorial Law Ride: A Community Event

You may not know but sadly part of the Creek County Officer Memorial was damaged in the tornado that ripped through Sapulpa in May. One stone was totally destroyed and a local motorcycle club wants to raise money to replace it.

The damaged Officer Memorial near the Sapulpa Courthouse.

If motorcycle groups seem a little intimidating, you’re not alone. I had the honor to visit with five members of one such local club and guess what? The guys are friendly, down-to-earth and…caring.

The Four Kings LE/MC (Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club) was founded in 2010 by Lt. Jim Madden, a Sapulpa Police Officer and others. The club currently has five chapters with numerous members, many of whom are law enforcement officers, with the National Chapter in Sapulpa.


The group has monthly meetings, weekly rides and is always looking for ways to serve. They strive to keep the Lord first, family second and the rest of life follows. Their meetings open in prayer and they strive to honor ethical standards and their oaths of office in all they do. The club is committed to help not only officers but first responders of all kinds and veterans when tragedy strikes a family. They also honor two students a year with a Nursing scholarship in memory of Diane Holman.

If you are wondering about the Four Kings name and logo it came from the idea of throwing a playing card on your enemy during wartime years ago. Doing this not only told the enemy where you stood but also encouraged the troops knowing that their brothers had their back. While death and destruction no doubt come, there are always those willing to step up and help in times of need.

The Memorial was originally donated by Mr. Ed and Melba Livermore. The partnership between the local Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodges, Sheriff and Police Department tries to have a yearly memorial ceremony to honor Creek County officers who passed in the line of duty. This year several officer’s names were added to the three-part monument and more are in the works.

The Four Kings LE/MC will soon be riding to raise $5,000 to replace the damaged monument, fix a loose stone, repair any other damage and to maintain the well kept area. And, they would like our help.

This is an opportunity where we can come together as a community and support our Law Enforcement Officers (LEO’s). The memorial is something that the officers, the families of officers and many of our town hold dear. It represents men and women willing to lay down their lives for us. Some words were rolling through my mind but Lt. Madden said them out loud, “We don’t know if one of ours will one day be on that wall.”

The Four Kings LE/MC invites the public to join them in the Creek County Memorial Law Ride. All vehicles welcome. After the ride ends at 3:30, those who choose not to take part in the run are more than welcome to join in the fun at the Creek County Courthouse parking lot. Sapulpa FOP Lodge #94 are coordinating with other Creek County area FOP’s and will be there providing food (donations welcome) and support. There will also be music, a memorial service and more. All donations go to the Creek County Memorial fund. A check will be presented by the club’s treasurer Jim Holcomb.

The event is August 24th, 2019, mark your calendars now! $20 per rider, $10 passenger. Registration points are: Foreman Harley Davidson, Stillwater, Ok; Hideout Harley Davidson, Joplin, Mo; and Fiesta Mart, Okemah, Ok.

The run starts and ends at the Creek County Courthouse parking lot. Registration 11:00 am, Kickstands up 12:30 pm and Last Bike In 3:30 pm.

The Four Kings LE/MC is thankful for the support from local businesses, Sheriff’s office, FOP’s, County Commissioners and more. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation before the event to the Memorial fund please mail checks to: Creek County Memorial Fund 1006 W. Taft #228 Sapulpa, Ok. 74066. Questions regarding this Memorial Ride may be directed to: Follow their facebook page or website for updates:

I hope to see you there!

Brooke DeLong

“The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” ~Proverbs 28:1

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