The County has plans to build a new EOC and 911 Center in Sapulpa

The plans for a new Emergency Operations Center were first addressed by Creek County Commissioners back in August of 2021 when the feasibility study was sent. Now, the designs for the building are back. The new building designs include a covered carport area for election board members that need to unload or load things into their cars. There are plans for a lobby and restrooms, but the commissioners want to expand the building and shrink the parking lot from the presented designs. They want to include parking in the front that would allow people to park there for the Collins building as well. 

Leon Warner, Commissioner for District #2 in Creek County, said they should add a 911 Dispatch center as well, aiming for around five or six dispatchers to work out of the new building. “It would be a big thing for 911,” he said. The commissioners and project manager Glen Musser discussed the designs and how to add the dispatch center into the layout of the building. The commissioners and Musser also assured they would meet with other 911 centers to build an appropriate and effective area for the dispatchers.

The facility would also be used as County storage, and storage areas have been added to the designs. They hope for a safe voting area on the Election Board side of the facility, and a safe room and more storage for the Emergency Department. The dispatch center is a new idea and needs to be added to the designs.


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